Early Years Education
The majority of the school's staff had probably completed their state assessments and were waiting for their school to be assessed by Ofsted so they could get the lucrative frontline job in a good school.
We looked at a number of schools and quickly identified two very good ones that had a history of delivering excellent results. These two schools were given the commitment to increase their intake immediately and so were the first two to be given assistance under the £umpire' umbrella. They were given turn over time to meet the needs of the 90 pupils that had been scheduled to come in over the following two years.
We had a very good reception for the first session but were told that this was the wrong way to proceed because we needed time to 'hone in' our assessments. They insisted that the school was going to turn a profit by the end of the decade, which we all hoped would be the case. They were clearly not going to give up on the idea of precise, targeted and sustained intervention. The power of the clients was quite profound.
The clients came to the school. They occupied most of the classrooms. Very few school buildings had been effectively utilized. The school was a what-to-all situation. The clients seemed very simple, direct and easy. At the first session each parent presented his or her child to be assessed. It was incrediblyambiguousand some of the children had not been in school for months, or even years.
At first, when the school assessed the children, they gave each of them a pass/fail mark as far as the summer assessment was concerned. The pass/fail marks were calculated by averaging each child's results with a standard of 100. Those children who had achieved the pass/fail were instructed to attend the following classroom at school for further assessment.
The second part of the assessment was the attendance sheet. The attendance sheet proved to be the most difficult because the school had a policy of not revealing the name of any child who did not attend school. Some children who had not attended school were offered help by the school to promote attendance. There was total agreement that these children needed the opposite direction from the children with learning difficulties. The adults also agreed that these children needed a good educational background if they were to have a successful education (difficult to find that in a failing school).
The third part of the assessment was the practical assessment. It was at this time that each of the children was taken into 'stores' (a cubby hole in the floor) where they were each given a hand held stylus and asked to answer a series of questions. This was to check each child's progress towards achieving their personal potential and success in school. The three most important results from this part of the test were:
How did your school do in relation to the national standards?
What did you do wrong?
What did you do well?
Viewed the bigger picture?
Tried something new?
Overcome the challenge?
Got more out of the assessment?
Then there was the motivational element:
How well could you manage the big challenge?
Ultimately, to get a feel for the nature of the feedback, i.e. whether children were accepting the judgement or not, the following figures were drawn up:
No. of children with parents and teachers that actively promote children's success , (26)
, (26) No. of children who try but fail or give up in the struggle, (...)
, (...) Yes. of children who move from home to school positively, (...)
Positive. (...)
Looking at the big picture - a clear distinction between the pupils that succeed and those that struggle highlights the importance of developing a strong motivation in children to succeed, as well as a genuine desire and effort from the adult to help. This is only achieved when adults are totally committed to supporting children's special needs and making sure that every child has a strong chance to succeed , regardless of their parents or situation at home.
In short, an effective early years education program is a complex set of activities and should be fully structured. It is imperative that feedback be provided on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, so that plans and materials can be changed and adapted as required. This approach ensures that all learners have the opportunity to ask questions and receive positive and negative feedback, as well as enabling different learners to work at their own pace, to manage their own time stakes and to meet their own personal learning targets.
Patience, tolerance and positivity - are everything to develop, in respect of the learners' ability to manage the impact of the curriculum and the context in which they find themselves.
The Bagically Fall of My Father
I was rooting around in the recesses of my father's room one day when I realized my father had not yet paid the bill. Scrambling to my mother's side, I grabbed the billfold and squeezed the money. It was a good forty years ago. "Will this money help my father," I wondered. Moreover, I wondered who would reimburse a tourist who happened to drop by the cabin unannounced. Finally, my father settled in and paid the bill. But, it was too late. The old man had already filled the bathtub with hot water and strugged to move it. He drowned.
Again the question bolt ripped away the last threads of my father's humanity. He was a man of his time-gone fishing days. He was a man who had fought against the British and in the process lost his home. He was almost a stereotypical survivalist despite all the advantages of wealth and good fortune. Surrounded by such adversity, disease and lean times--hard times--rellally died. My father was a man of distinction. He had fought for his country and was respected all over the world. The Hollywood look alike has lost its class. The image of the proudly kitsch and jovial old man with his trim fishing trim and walrus antlers has been tarnished forever.
But who is to blame?isans and bureaucrats? The elimination of the workshop system in favor of unchecked and export-oriented industries has been vital. Why the de-emphasis on the production of goods and services in the domestic marketplace? There are numerous reasons, chief among them the obligation of the government, municipalities and other public authorities to provide for the general welfare and the desire of the electorate to vote for those candidates with a pro-poor program as their Patron. Public opinion is instinctively pro-poor. When the government promises to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, the people are naturally inclined to believe and consider that all the government owes are to them. Labor is in short supply and skilled, meaning that jobs in the service industries are considered crucial to the nation's well-being. Educational institutions are compelled to cater to the educational needs of society. The obvious purpose of statutory bodies like these is to render services to the public, which makes the providers accountable. Legally, the system is almost completely geared towards the achievement of the public good, the immediate enjoyment of the benefits of all citizens, and the attainment of collectively those rights and welfare policies that will best assure the security of the nation.
As per jonathan Ullmer The distinction that should be noted between the responsibilities of the state and the functions of the civil services is that the state is a deliberative Body of People living in a particular area. The functions of the state are defined by the constitution and legislation of the land. The nature of civil obedience to the state in the context of an evolving nation is best exemplified by the paramount role of the state security forces in the protection of the unity of the nation, irrespective of any regional or linguistic divisions. The loyalty of a state towards its own citizens depends on the verity of its service to the nation in fulfilling its international obligations and preserving peace and unity as well as ensuring internal security and theender of its independence.
The international obligations of a state are spelled out in various multilateral treaties and agreements in which state responsibility towards its citizenry is laid down. A plethora of laws and statutes in the fields of defense, foreign trade, internal security and defense cooperation make up the domain of the state. It is the national responsibility and responsibility to ensure the supremacy of the state, which must be entrenched in the memory of every Indian, so that he or she can contribute meaningfully in the growth of the nation to its best possible extent. The wave of globalization is leading to calls for an international community to promote the norms of statehood recognition, promotion and globalization of laws and treaties among nations. Essentially, the need for the recognition and attainment of self-governing institutions, political autonomy and fiscal responsibility, a transparent democratic system, which are necessary to the achievement of genuine statehood recognition, are calls for the Formation of International Communities.
Self-governing is the term used in the process of being self-sufficient. Independent states are capable of sitting independently without direct or indirect foreign interference or interference. They can defend their independence by building up their resources. In"... Vietnamese," Vietnamese means to be independent or "free."
The second definition is the quality of being independent or "free" as in "free state." This is the meaning in the sentence. Freedom is quality that one has of having one's independence and natural freedom in doing what one likes without depending on others. One can be completely free in the Wondering hours of his life as long as he does what one likes and nothing else.
Being "free" is the quality of living in a manner that one likes, for oneself and for others.